Orphans from the Storm

Orphans from the Storm
This photo was taken in 1905 when my mother, pictured, was 2-years-old. She is with her brother Bruce.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

More of the Pearson Side

I think the first three pictures are already on the "This is My Life" blog in one form or an other. Below is a picture of my Dad, probably in the early 1920's. Dad and his brother George worked in the oil fields for a while and then headed to New Orleans to get a job on a freighter and see the world. That did not work out and they heard about the oil boom around Houston and went there. In the 1930 census they were sharing a room in Houston.

Dad worked for Continental Oil in Houston in the 1920's and the 1930's.

The horse that Dad is riding is probably Uncle Earle's horse. The horse lived at out place for a while.

My parents in an out of focus picture from their Honeymoon Trip to Arkansas. This is at Mom's Oldest Brother Ed and his wife Bert's home. The Edward in my name is after Uncle Ed. Oddly I am most like his brother, Bruce. I have always felt a connection with that part of the family.

Last is a picture I have no information on. Do not know who the boy is or where the picture is taken. Might be in Arkansas. Would like to know about this picture.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Pearson Side of the Family

I was contacted by one of my cousins about information on our common family tree. My Grandmother was Ola Martin Pearson. My Cousin, Melba McNeely Stewart was the daughter of Catherine Pearson McNeely. Catherine was the daughter of Lelia Ethel Martin Pearson. Ethel was my Grandmother's sister. Both married Pearsons, but not directly related Pearsons.


Melba sent me a link to pictures she had placed on Ancestry.com. In the pictures was a picture of Twins that looked a familiar to me. I had pictures of myself when I was six, taken with a pair of twins. I do not remember the picture being taken or who the people in the picture were. My Mother was good about labeling pictures, but all I knew was the adults were Uncle Henry and Aunt Ethel and they were "Pearson Relatives". The twins were just "The Twins". Catherine was also labeled by her first name only.

So I have had these pictures and not known who they were.

Upon examination of the pictures, with this new information, I recognize my Grandmother in one of the Pictures. In the Picture above are Melvin and Melba McNeely.

The Picture below is of Me and the twins. (If you click on these pictures you can view the larger original pictures)


Below are Lelia Ethel Martin Pearson and Henry Clay Pearson at their home in Bryan, Texas.

Catherine is the woman hugging her son Melvin. I am not sure who the other people in the picture are that have not yet been named.


In the corner of the porch is Ola Martin Pearson, my Grandmother and Ethel's Sister.

Last is a group picture.
