My mother's sister Zilpha married John Henry Hurt. My memory had transformed the Hurts into Holts and I was not sure why. It turns out that Minneford Kitchel the daughter of Charles Kitchel married Richard Lee Holt. Charles Kitchel had moved to Fayetteville, Arkansas and the Holt Branch of the Kitchel Family Tree grew there.
The Hurt Branch of the Kitchel Family tree stayed in Alta Loma.
The picture above is of Minneford Frances Kitchel. Below is her family. She and Lee Holt are almost hidden in the back.
Richard Lee Holt and Minneford Frances Kitchel were married on August the 17th in Fayetteville, Arkansas. They had 10 children, Richard Lee Jr., Wiley Bruce "Joe" , Evelyn Sue , Charles Wesley, Bertha Faye, Edgar Wayne, Mary Edna, Melvin Ernest, Donald Earl, and Anna Lou.
Evelyn Sue was born on September 6, 1935 and died March 29, 1943. She died from "a fall from the porch swing at Grandpa Kitchel's houe on 3rd Street. She was 8-years-old. Bertha Faye was born premature on December 5, 1939 and died two days later.
Seated in the middle of the couch is Minnie Kitchel, Minneford's mother.
The photo above is taken in Fayetteville, Arkansas. After graduating from School in Alta Loma, my mother lived in Fayetteville for a while. In this picture is (from right to left) Jennie Salome Wilson, Martha Manning, Minneford Kitchel (behind), Ethel Mullenix, and Eva Mullenix.
This is in Arkansas. In Back left to right is Bertha Kitchel Wilson, Roderick D. Wilson, Zipha Inez Wilson Hurt, and Edward Wilson. In front is Jennie Salome Wilson, Jean Hurt, and Hazel Hurt.
This last picture is taken in Claremore, Oklahoma. This picture introduces the Pearson Family. My paternal Grandmother is on the left, then Zilpha Hurt, and my mother Sally Pearson (Jennine Salome Wilson Pearson). I believe that the building in back is the Will Rogers Museum. I am not sure about the woman in the middle being Zilpha, but that is what my mother wrote on the back of the picture. So I will leave it like that until I can be sure it is not so.